Cozy, convenient, and affordable blue room.

60 hotel rooms or 80

Sunset views from the Jetty

Cozy, convenient, and affordable blue room.

The town of Portsmouth is located in the north of the Nature Isle of the Caribbean, of the untouched gem of the Lesser Antilles, of Waitikubuli (Dominica's Kalinago name meaning 'Tall is her Body', based on Dominica's mountainous terrain). Portsmouth boast attractions like Indian River, Syndicate National Park, Mont Diablote, to name a few.​

The Nature Isle
Enjoy the splendor of the Caribbean Sea at a discounted rate.
Book online or email us to reserve.

Work in Dominica Visa
Are you fed up with wave after wave of lockdown, continual uncertainty, and staring at the same four walls every day? We get you. That’s why we have created a Work In Nature (WIN) Extended Stay Visa – so that you and your family can come to the Nature Island of the Caribbean and live and work here for a while instead.
Dominica’s management of the pandemic has been exemplary and, while we stick to common sense rules of mask-wearing and social distancing, our lifestyle retains the essential element of free-up and fun that makes this part of the world an enjoyable place to be.
Our Work In Nature (WIN) Extended Stay Visa allows you to relocate to Dominica and work remotely for up to 18 months. We have everything you need and more – including a pristine natural environment that will provide you with the wellness, the joy, and the adventure that you have been missing and dreaming about for so long.
So, come to Dominica. We’re connected to nature, and we’re connected to the world. You could be too.
Check the official WIN website for updates on events and locations: